Article: Emile Henry

Emile Henry
In fact, we have been supplying retailers with Emile Henry both online and high street since August 18 - It's new for us, although we have seen the brand in many international stores and at trade shows. You are now entering a Ceramic world of such density (resulting in great strength offered by its premium clay), durability, environmental awareness and fantastic heat conductivity that if I considered just one piece to add straight to my collection it would be something to cook in, as in an everyday or at least twice or three times a week piece. More on that later.
With some pronto updates on our site (pending a new site) we have added 'Emile Henry' to our online catalogue & collection and whilst you can see some items are out of stock the majority of our already best-selling pieces are available to order with immediate delivery.
Great for Summer Cooking I hear your brain tick. Well yes, of course. Not only do the Emile Henry pieces transfer from hob or oven to table they make a great presentation piece on any dining table. With that in mind we want you to start thinking about dinner with friends.
So, what to choose?
Well the decision is yours, get yourself off to a local cooking and lifestyle store, if there is no stock, walk out again and I guess it's back to the internet. Our favourites so far are the oven dishes, the tagine and of course for a great gift the pizza stone (it isn't one of those £15 ones that are covered in fat and food after three uses).
I think here is the time to discuss when I sat with current owner and the current generation of inspiration at Emile Henry - Jean Baptiste Henry.
The comment and question, have you ever cooked in a piece of Emile Henry? Luckily I had but the comment I hung on was that you've not experienced the benefits of cooking something like a quiche, lasagne or tray bake unless you have used a piece of Emile Henry. Madness? Actually no.... so if you get the chance take a look at our promotional oven to table gift sets available from all good retailers here in the UK.
We will be back with more regular updates when we have finally relaxed, answered all the calls and helped as many local retailers on the high street support you with your shopping.